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Who we are

The founders of Storylines started with a vision to give global travelers the ability to live out their deep passion for exploration. They realized that many people have placed their thirst for adventure on hold to build a career, care for children and aging parents, or simply to pursue other interests that have temporarily shelved the part of their life story that so many have dreamed of most. The result was creating a residential community at sea that enables global citizens to live a healthy and active life of freedom and adventure; where they can enjoy unique, memorable and life-changing experiences while traveling the world in their Global Residence.

We are not currently hiring crew positions at this time. 

Our six step process

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Core Values

#1 Storylines Minutes

Because life moves very fast in Storylines, the 'Storylines Minute' was born. What we do in one minute, takes others days or weeks to do.

#5 Progress over perfection

The 80/20 rule allows us to move fast and get things done

#9 Never build anything from scratch

With 8 billion people on earth, someone has probably already created what you are doing. Find it, use it, model it, learn from it.

#2 Everything is URGENT. Only some things are important

A phone ringing is urgent, but not always important. Be prepared to tell someone no, not now.

#6 Grow 1% every day

Once it's done, improve upon it to reach the desired level of perfection.

#10 Urgency and consistency

Moving fast doesn't mean we sacrifice quality. Get it right, again and again.

#3 Remember s!#t. Create a system

Moving as fast as we do, things may get lost in the mix or in translation. Write stuff down if you ever want to come back to it later.

#7 Work smarter and harder

Do just what you are good at and outsource the rest. Get more done in less time.

#11 Pick up the phone

In an instant messaging world, we sometimes forget to speak to people. Get the answer now in one 2 min call instead of 50 messages over 3 days.

#4 Be nimble, always

Our success is based on our ability to adapt. This must never change.

#8 Details matter

Do your research first, know what you are doing, do it once and do it well.

#12 Random acts of kindness

Impromptu personal or group rewards create a better workplace and lifestyle for everyone.

#1 Storylines Minutes

Because life moves very fast in Storylines, the 'Storylines Minute' was born. What we do in one minute, takes others days or weeks to do.

#2 Everything is URGENT. Only some things are important

A phone ringing is urgent, but not always important. Be prepared to tell someone no, not now.

#3 Remember s!#t. Create a system

Moving as fast as we do, things may get lost in the mix or in translation. Write stuff down if you ever want to come back to it later.

#4 Be nimble, always

Our success is based on our ability to adapt. This must never change.

#5 Progress over perfection

The 80/20 rule allows us to move fast and get things done

#6 Grow 1% every day

Once it's done, improve upon it to reach the desired level of perfection.

#7 Work smarter and harder

Do just what you are good at and outsource the rest. Get more done in less time.

#8 Details matter

Do your research first, know what you are doing, do it once and do it well.

#9 Never build anything from scratch

With 8 billion people on earth, someone has probably already created what you are doing. Find it, use it, model it, learn from it.

#10 Urgency and consistency

Moving fast doesn't mean we sacrifice quality. Get it right, again and again.

#11 Pick up the phone

In an instant messaging world, we sometimes forget to speak to people. Get the answer now in one 2 min call instead of 50 messages over 3 days.

#12 Random acts of kindness

Impromptu personal or group rewards create a better workplace and lifestyle for everyone.