Storylines residential ship is proud to continue to support the United Nations in upholding the Global Compact’s environmental, social and corporate governance goals (ESGs) as well as the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) .
Storylines Communication On Progress
CEO Statement of Continued Support
Because our company is building a ship meant for residing on, not vacationing on, we are in a unique position to reinvent the standards of the cruise ship industry and eschew the status quo of the wasteful and polluting image that the industry is sometimes known for. As a community that will be living at sea, we know that the shipping industry has a significant environmental impact, and we are at a stage in our project where we can foresee and mitigate these risks with new technologies. We take our responsibility to minimize our footprint seriously.
Our goal is to always uphold the highest level of integrity and ethical standards in the shipping industry and set an example for years to come. In 2018 we established a corporate culture of philanthropy, donating technology to schools in the Philippines. In 2019, we pivoted our business strategy and chose liquid natural gas (LNG) over oil, to fuel our new-build ship. In 2020, we joined the UN Global Compact and brought on a Sustainability Ambassador to establish and guide us through responsible environmental, social and corporate governance protocols. Our strategy is to tread lightly while exploring the globe, helping along the way and leaving no trace.
As part of our responsible corporate culture, Storylines is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our employees and our future residents. Our ship will provide an ethical and responsible environment for all. For example, we have high standards for our crew’s living and working conditions. We are working on diversity and inclusion within the workplace and making it a priority as our business expands with future hires. We strive to become a diverse and inclusive company with racial and social equity for all employees.
Our founding principles are based on contribution rather than consumption, mindfulness, and global citizenship. On and off the ship, philanthropy and sustainability are central to all we do. From utilizing greener LNG fuel to growing our own food to giving back to the communities we visit; we travel with the intention to reduce our footprint and have a positive impact along the way. Our storyline is one of positive people doing positive things. We are a conscientious community with an enthusiastic approach to living and we are driven to do some good while we learn and grow as human beings. We aren’t tourists. We are citizens of the world, and planet Earth is the place that we ALL call home.
Human Rights & Labor Principles
- Business should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
- Business should make sure they are not complicit in human rights abuses
- Businesses should uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor Businesses should uphold the effective abolition of child labor
- Businesses should uphold the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
• Hired more women, increasing our diversity and inclusion
• Began establishing a fair-trade supply chain
• Researched how to ensure the highest standards of behavior in our suppliers, particularly in relation to labor and other forms of human rights, establishing a preference for B-Corps
• Established advocacy protocols for crew wages, working and living conditions including conducting a study regarding private sleeping pods for crew members
• Committed to ensuring fair pay for our team members
Environmental Principles
- Business should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges
- Business should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
- Business should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies
• Hired a Sustainability Ambassador to strategize and meet sustainable development goals as well as environmental, social, and corporate governance goals
• Developed industry-leading Sustainability Initiatives to move well beyond the status quo in the cruise industry. These include:- Zero-waste onboard market (an industry first)
- Hydroponic gardens for produce production (another industry first)
- Sustainably sourced food including only Marine Stewardship Council certified seafood
- Waste reduction protocols including banning single-use plastics
- Committed to only sourcing Forest Stewardship Certified paper products
- Biodegradable cleaning products safe for marine environments (EPA ‘Safer Choice’ certified)
- Organic dry-cleaning
• Sourcing energy efficient fixed equipment for shipbuilding including all the latest in innovative ‘green’ technologies available to the industry (waste, water, emissions)
- Converting waste heat from the ship’s engines to electricity
- Reclaiming excess energy to cool the LNG for use in the HVAC systems
- Converting solid waste (food, sewage, paper, cardboard, plastic, wood, oil) to energy
• Became members of Pledge 1% to leverage a portion of profits to support nonprofits that protect the seas on which we sail
Anti-corruption Principles
- Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery
• By vetting each of our corporate partners and suppliers, we have reasonable reassurance that we are partnering with and supporting companies that have ethical and responsible corporate governance and are avoiding misconduct
• Founded the Embark Alliance to report on the cruise industry as it relates to Covid-19 for consumer health and safety
• Joined UN Global Compact to help align our mission with the greater good of the planet and all people